Why should I use a website builder?

Developing a website shouldn’t be a difficult undertaking. A competent website builder will enable you to launch and maintain a website quickly. This post will examine the advantages of utilizing a website builder for both novice and expert users. We’ll also examine the reasons why, particularly for non-techies, WordPress might not be the ideal tool for creating a website.

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Advantages of employing a web developer

Technical or programming knowledge is not necessary. Users with little to no technical experience may create websites utilizing website builders. The average person can type text, upload images, and move any element with a simple mouse click and drag using drag-and-drop technology and user-friendly interface designs found in website builders. This is all done without the need to write or edit a single line of code, handle FTP, or handle other technical tasks.

You may edit your website from any computer at any time. Your web files are housed on the server of the service provider rather on your own computer since website builders are web-based. All you need is a web browser and an Internet connection to access your account, make changes, and click “publish” or “save,” enabling you to work from any location and at any time.

No artistic ability is necessary. Having a rudimentary understanding of visual design is necessary to create a website that draws visitors. However, if you are unsure of where to begin or lack confidence in your ability to create, you may just pick a template that has been professionally made and proceed accordingly. One of the finest aspects of a website builder is the ability to customize templates. Almost all website builders allow you to alter the template to suit your preferences and needs, so you don’t have to adhere strictly to the design.

App collections and libraries. A selection of complimentary tools and apps are included with every website builder so you may expand the functionality of your site. Applications come in two flavors: free and paid. Some are integrated directly into the website builder, while others are completely integrated third-party solutions. There is a large selection of pre-installed applications on Website.com that you can quickly add using the drag-and-drop editor.

In little time at all, your website is operational. The entire process of creating a website is made simpler by website builders. You begin with ready-to-use tools and programs, pre-populated web pages, and pre-designed templates. Your website will open quickly if all you have to do is add your own content and hit the Publish button.

You may easily maintain your own website with the help of website builders. For your website to be effective, regular maintenance is essential. Because visitors are always searching for the latest information, it is crucial that you offer them fresh and intriguing news, items, or features. Making adjustments and modifications to your website is simple because to the website builder’s simple, easy-to-use UI and drag-and-drop editor.

Using a website builder to create a website doesn’t cost a lot of money. There are many different premium and free options available. When compared to hiring an expert, website builders—even with expensive plans—are incredibly cost-effective. Furthermore, a lot of website builders offer free domain names and hosting; Website.com even includes free domain email services.

A cleverly designed website

The first and most evident benefit of using a website builder tool is that it makes no difference how inexperienced you are with coding and programming. Numerous pre-made website templates or themes are included with website builders so you may start building your company website right away.

eCommerce incorporation

A fantastic approach to launch and manage a business that isn’t limited by the boundaries of a traditional brick and mortar store is with an online store. Numerous website builders provide an array of features, themes, and other tools to aid in the launch and operation of your e-commerce website.

The e-commerce shop interface, which is integrated directly into your dashboard and designed for desktop and mobile devices, makes it simple to add new goods, manage your inventory, monitor sales figures, keep track of orders, and much more. Your clients will love shopping with you on any device if you offer simple shopability, dynamic product pages, and a smooth checkout and payment procedure.

Integration of social media

Just as crucial as having a website is maintaining a strong social media presence. Your social media sites may appear when someone searches for your company on Google in addition to your website; prospective clients may choose to visit those to find out more information about your enterprise.

You don’t need to go through an app store or install any plugins because social network integrations are almost always pre-installed on website builders. You may increase your social media presence and maintain stronger connections with your social network by integrating your website with Facebook. It also makes website customization simpler and quicker.


You may avoid hiring a web designer every time you want to update your website, add new material, or add additional photos by using a website builder. A do-it-yourself website builder will be more than enough for small enterprises that may be short on funds or time.

You may publish your website as a subdomain and update it after you purchase your own domain name if you’re not ready to invest in a domain name just yet or if you haven’t decided on a name for your company yet.

saves time

Owning a small business already means you’re strapped for time. Adding the development and upkeep of a comprehensive website to your never-ending to-do list can quickly lead to overload.

With website builders, you can quickly and easily construct a polished website that you can subsequently modify to suit your needs. The top builders come with features that let you rapidly produce content that looks professional.

No upkeep hassle

Your website must change as your business does, whether it means adding new pages, updating content, or adding more products to your inventory.

All the features required to maintain the functionality of your website and safeguard it from viruses and technical problems are included in a website builder tool. While some people find website maintenance to be challenging, the majority hire a professional or firm to do this chore, and costs can vary greatly based on the amount of work required as well as the size and complexity of your organization’s website.


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