Begonia: Uses, Health Benefits and How To Eat This Aromatic Flower

In the past, when allopathy did not exist on Earth, plants have been crucial in the treatment of minor to chronic health issues. These herbs not only have many holistic benefits, but they also have incredible health benefits that we might not be aware of. Among the many potent plant species in the Begoniaceae family are the stunning Begonias, which make up one of the biggest genera of perennial blooming plants. This imaginative herb is not only a beautiful plant that you can include into your garden design, but it also has several health advantages. In addition to being widely used to cure a wide range of health issues, begonias are recognized for their ability to replenish the body’s Vitamin C deficiencies due to their high Vitamin C concentration. The succulent plant, which is tart and sweet, also has soluble calcium oxalates, which are effective skin care, hair development, and body healing agents. Additionally, the plant extracts can be used to treat stomach abnormalities and lessen splenic enlargement that may be the result of bacterial infection. Quercetin, B-sitosterol, and luteolin are metabolites found in the well-known cultivar of Begonia known as Malabar Begonia. In addition to being used to extract essential oil that benefits and heals hair issues, its leaves are also used to treat skin conditions and respiratory infections.

Read More: begonia suppliers

Is It Safe to Eat Begonias?

One characteristic of this lovely bloom that you might not be aware of is its edible nature. It is one of the more flavorful flowers. Tuberous and bedding begonias are the most often utilized begonias for human food. The somewhat bitter citrus or acidic flavor of these blooms makes them incredibly popular. Since the stems and leaves are a rich source of Vitamin C, people also eat them in addition to the blossoms, which may be put to salads or a bowl of greens. The vibrant blossoms are frequently used as edible garnish for mocktails and drinks. Begonia flowers may also be used to make a herbal decoction by boiling, straining, and using them.

The Health Advantages Of Begonia

Ceases to Be Bronchitis

Bronchitis is the medical word for an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes, commonly known as bronchi. Strong antibacterial properties found in begonia rhizomes help clear the mucus buildup inside these tubes.

Heals the Diabetic

a fungal infection brought on by any kind of candida, which is a fungus or yeast. People who have candidiasis may become infected; candida albicans is the most frequent kind. Ethanol found in begonia leaves has the potential to be useful in combating fungal infections.

Relieves Intestinal Disorders

Many severe digestive problems, including diarrhea (three loose stools per day) and dysentery (intestinal infection resulting in bloody diarrhoea), have been effectively treated with benonia.

Addresses Liver Issues

The flower and its components are endowed with properties that support the liver and combat problems that may lead to chronic liver diseases.

Menstrual Disorder Treatment

In addition to relieving excessive menstrual flow, the plant has shown great promise in treating premenstrual syndrome and recurrent cramps during the menstrual cycle.


Begonia, a beautiful plant belonging to the Begoniaceae family, has several holistic and health advantages that can be very beneficial. It has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in treating fungal infections, liver issues, digestive abnormalities, and inflammation of the body. Although begonias are generally safe to eat, it is not advised for renal sufferers to do so since the plant contains oxalic acid, which can exacerbate kidney and urine problems. If you have a co-occurring medical condition and are taking begonias for the first time, it is best to speak with a doctor to prevent any potential negative effects.


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